Tuesday, June 17, 2008

What an amazing God!

So I am guessing that you really want to hear what God is doing in my life and trust me he is doing a lot right now. He is giving me a mommy heart at a really young age which is good in a way because the people that I am being mom to really need it. He is showing me things that will change my life and that will make me look at things differently at a young age which is really good too. So I worked with the group when they were here. That was a blessing in itself. The first day that we got there we had to travel from San Salvador to get to Honduras which was fine. The second day, the day we did something was when we built to first two houses. It was so fun to get to see people that I knew and didn’t know to grow just on the first day and bless the people of Honduras and be blessed by the people of Honduras. I was fun for me because I was getting to work with people that I didn’t know and started to grow to know. I got to be with the kids and people of a different than I have worked with in the passed. So that was fun.
On the second day we got to go to Good Shepherd. I got to spend time with the girls that my dad has a bunch of love with and I got to spend some time with Julia the little girl that I met in the in spring when the Belpre group was down here. Then we went to Hospital Escuela WOW was that a hard trip or what. We just had a good time blessing the people that were in there and just use the powerful gift of prayer Couple stories for you guys. The group I was in went to a couple places and prays over people and that kind of thing and then we went to a different floor I don’t even know what floor it was but it was hard. The first room we walked in to on this floor was hard but we were looking like we were at the zoo. We looked at the kids there and went to the next room. Then God came out through a nurse. She took Jen by the arm and was like let me tell you the stories of two of these kids in here and took us back to the first room that we walked into. The first boy she took us to was nothing but skin and bone and I am not making this up half of you that will read these will never and have never seen anything like this. The nurse told us the story so I am here to do the same today and I am not telling you this story so that you will fell sorry for the kid I am telling you so that you can use the powerful gift of prayer. Heres the story: This boy isn’t even 15 yet cant breath right, cant talk anymore, and just isn’t the same because we sit around everyday and know that everything is good to go good in our world and don’t even take a minute to sit down and think about others and who we are going to help people. So now as you read this little boy still sits in the same bed because someone in his family was so out of control that they would take a machete to the back of his head more than once. Or for the other story that a dad of a girl would shot her in the face because he didn’t like her boyfriend. So think next time when life isn’t going how you want it to and think about the people that are in the other parts of the states or countries and rethink if you think that you have life bad.
On the third day we got to go and hand out food at peoples homes. That was another gift in itself. We got to walk from house to house being the body of Christ. We got to bless the people that we gave to food to, and just to bless the kids as the walked along us the whole time that we passed out food. We got to not only commune with the people but we also were doing it for God.
On the fourth day we were able to go to a special needs place that was fun. To see those kids when we walked in it was like we were bringing them something they had never seen. It was a bunch of fun. Then we went to the state run children’s home. God got me there I went into were the babies were and saw that they sat there all day and that got me because I know that one of the own children had to go through that and it wasn’t fun to get things worked out after she sat in her bed all day. Then we got to feed people at the Jesus statue and got the worship with them which I liked because it was telling people that no matter neither what color nor what we speak we can still get along. That was a really good day.
On the five day we got to build two more houses which was fun in its self because we got to spend time with the kids. That night we got to go to La Capaera.
On the six day we went to Didasko and to the valley of the angles and also we went to a very nice place to eat and then was able to go worship at the old church near by. That was a good worship.
On the seventh day we and as in we I mean Jen, Sam, Anna, Dan and I took the group to San Salvador and so we were there for the night and then the next day we took them to the airport. When we were down there God said to us you need a days rest so when we got to the hotel where we were going to get a bus back to Honduras. We went and said that we needed 5 seats and they said we don’t have that for today and so Jen went to another place to see if they had any and they didn’t so I think that it was God saying you need some rest before you go and spend time with the kids which was nice and so then we made it back to Honduras.
Today was our first day here at casa and I am so glad that I was one of the chosen ones to be able to spend time with theses kids and to love on them and to be loved on by them it is awesome. I have been reminded things today that I would have not be remind if I wasn’t here and so it is just a God thing that I am able to be here.
I would like to ask for your prayers as many of you know the first 5 boys that Casa de Esperanza had went back to live with their parents. We all had a hard time at that because we felt that we did something and then they were just going to go back and live like they did and nothing that we taught them would play back in their lives. Well as we hear today they are impacting or at lest trying to impact their parent’s life’s so just pray for them. Thank you for praying for me and I love you all! I hope to blog again soon!


dillon. (= said...

delaney rae<3

hello, dear.

i made a blog so we could
comment blogs back and forth
because when you're down there
you're barely on aim.

can i blame you? no.

i wrote you in my blog.
check 'er out.


Karen Burnfield said...

Well you already know that I miss you a ton and that I love you. I am impressed at how much you have grown already. Keep up the good work. I know that God is using you in BIG WAYS! Just remember to get out of His way and let Him do it! We will continue to keep you in our prayers. If you see the 5 boys, call me so we can talk to Marvin. Love you bunches. Mami