Friday, June 20, 2008

How is it that he knows?

I wonder every day that i spend with the kids and they show me the really me and not the one that i make myself to be. They show me the broken heart, the love for others no happen what happens and has happened in their life. Just the REALLYme. It has been good.
I also asked myself why he put me here. Why he put the people of honduras in my life while i am down here. When i am not going to lie i try to hide from because i am selfish and not want to fell their pain that i dont have to know about i can just feel it. Or i can see it in their eyes. Or i dont want to look at them and know that they havent eaten a lot that day if the have eaten anything. That hurts a friends heart. i ask why not me ? why not me? Then he tells me in my ear because i called you to help your friends out that are in need. i just need prayers for what God is calling me to do and in what he needs me to same to a family that i love dearly that doesnt have food to eat like very one of you that are sitting in your nice rooms and on your nice computers just like i have and know that you have your next mean and that you dont have to pray about the next time that your family is going to have a meal. Just pray that we will be a answer to someones prayers even though we will never do it perfect help us to do our best. Thanks! PRAY HARD! love ya

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